We are motivated AF.

Both of us had "normal" Government jobs until one day we had to quit as our side hustle was requiring more and more of our time.  

You see, we have been in your seat where you are right now.  We started our own business which through social media channels and we've ridden the waves of constant algorithm changes, trends and platforms.  

We've made some awesome brand partners, but what we consistently came up against was:

  • PR companies which have taken no time to get to know our business or our partners ;
  • Constant last minute requests and lack of organisation (if we had a pound every time a piece of content was wanted with two days notice);
  • Two many cooks with their fingers in the pie leading to incorrect briefs and wasted time on everybody's part.

We knew we could do better.

we take a personalised approach to each of our clients. We understand that every brand is unique and requires a customised strategy. That's why we take the time to get to know your brand and your target audience, so we can create content that resonates with them.

Wherever possible WE WANT TO MEET YOU and your staff, see what you do, buy you a coffee and plan our approach together.

We stay up to date with the latest trends and algorithms in social media. We know that social media is constantly evolving, and what worked yesterday may not work today. That's why we continuously adapt our strategies to ensure that your brand stays ahead of the game.

Overall, our passion for social media and dedication to our clients is what sets us apart from the rest. Let us help your brand stand out in the crowded world of social media.

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